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凡購物滿HKD 400.00,即享免費禮品

英國Bach巴哈紓壓水 (寵物專用配方)



安撫主子神器,寵物移民紓壓救星!4滴紓緩動物緊張情緒,緊張bye bye! 天然活性成分巴哈紓壓水 (竉物專用配方) 是一種適合寵物的簡單天然舒緩劑,不會使寵物瞌睡、無酒精、無鎮靜劑及乙醇和糖,獸醫推薦Rescue Remedy Pet 有助於在動物處於緊張的狀態下使動物鎮靜。 紓壓水有助於緩解以下原因引起的壓力和緊張:旅行或適應新環境、吵鬧噪音、暴風雨或煙花爆竹、分離造成的焦慮、去看獸醫或寵物美容師。寵物可於面臨以上壓力的情況下使用。 含5種紓壓花藥成份,5種花藥精華從英國維農山莊的巴哈中心提取,亦是巴哈醫生研發花精之地。 認識英國巴哈花療 英國巴哈花卉精華系列由崇尚「天然花療」理念的Dr.Bach所研發,品牌貫徹「天然花療」的理念逾80年。巴哈醫生主張健康問題大多源於情緒失調,後來致力研究花藥,巧妙運用38種英國獨特的花卉精華,根據其獨特的功能,研製出各款紓壓提神的產品,有助平衡情緒。 時至今日,英國巴哈花療繼續於Nelsons 自然療法中心提煉,謹遵原有配方,確保產品品質,出售至全球。 Bach, Original Flower Remedies, Rescue Remedy Pet, Natural Stress Relief, Dropper, 0.35 fl oz (10 ml) - Natural stress relief drops for pets. Use for travel, separation anxiety, loud noises, or stressful events. Drop into their mouth (good luck!) or on their pads or put it in their drinking water. Easy peasy!


- 天然舒緩寵物壓力
- 獸醫推薦, 有助於在動物處於緊張的狀態下使動物鎮靜。
- 無酒精
- 順勢護理
- 滴管設計, 方便使用

- 狗、貓、鳥類、馬、兔、蜥蜴

- 去看獸醫或寵物美容師
- 因噪音而引起壓力
- 壓力引起的過度吠叫或嘶鳴
- 分離焦慮
- 外出旅行
- 適應新環境

口服 4 滴,按需使用。

非活性成分: 80% 甘油, 20%水

- 存放在兒童接觸不到的地方
- 避免接觸眼睛
- 如果症狀持續,請諮詢獸醫
- 儲存溫度低於77°F


Product Description

  • For Travel, Loud Noises & Stressful Events
  • Approx. 60 Doses
  • Homeopathic

Suitable for use with the following animals:

  • Dogs、Horses、Cats、Rabbits、Birds、Lizards

Helps relieve stress and tension caused by:

  • Travel or adapting to new surroundings
  • Loud noises, storms or fireworks
  • Anxiousness caused by separation
  • Visits to the veterinarian or groomer

✓ †Natural active ingredients

✓ Non-drowsy

✓Free of sedatives, alcohol and sugar

An easy dose of calm for your pet, trusted worldwide for use in times of stress.

Use: Recommended to reduce occasional animal stress and tension leading up to and during stressful situations.

Suggested use

Administer 1 dose (4 liquid drops) orally or with food/water, as often as needed. Dosage and frequency do not depend on the breed, age or weight of animal - it depends on the level of stress.

Other ingredients

Active ingredients: Each 5x (hpus): rock rose (helianthemum nummularium), clematis (clematis vitalba), impatiens (impatiens glandulifera), cherry plum (prunus cerasifera), star of bethlehem (ornithogalum umbellatum).

Inactive ingredients: 80% glycerin, 20% water.


  • Keep out of reach of children
  • Keep away from eyes
  • Store below 77°F (25°C)
  • If symptoms persist, please consult a veterinarian

